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Pacific Islands Research banner photo
Why do so many extinctions occur on islands? Island species are vulnerable because they have a small geographic range and usually have low numbers, making them vulnerable to disease, fire, and population fluctuations. Human development and hunting also take a toll, and introduced predators such as rats and snakes can wreak havoc on populations that did not evolve under these pressures. And with no place from which to draw recruits, they are more vulnerable than their mainland counterparts.
Pacific islands birds
Rufous Fantail
IBP staff have a long history of studying Pacific Island landbirds and seabirds (see sidebar). For much of the last decade we have worked with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the government of American Samoa to study insular landbird populations. Focal areas of our work have included determining how to use plumage characteristics to determine age and sex of individual birds, assessing demographic rates and population stability, and understanding population response to typhoons.
For more information about IBP’s work on Pacific Islands, contact Lauren Helton.
Image courtesy of Google Earth.
Photo Credits: Top left, NPS; Rufous Fantail, David Cook; Bottom left; Google Earth; Right Column, IBP.

IBP Biologist Discovers New Species

Bryan's Shearwater is one of the least understood seabirds in the world. It was first described in 2011 by IBP Biologist Peter Pyle, based on a specimen collected in 1963 from a rocky crevice on Midway Atoll.
Peter then documented another individual on Midway in 1990-92. Recent specimens from the Ogasawara Islands, Japan were also collected in rocky crevices, and were possibly individuals co-utilizing burrows with summer-breeding Bulwer's Petrels.
Bird Photo
This habitat is not found naturally on low-lying atolls in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands; however, it does occur on Nihoa and Necker Islands, where Bulwer's Petrels breed abundantly.
Digitized video and vocalization recordings from 1991 on Midway, detailed here, are being used to locate breeding Bryan's Shearwaters in the Ogasawara Islands; similar monitoring could be considered for other potential areas such as Nihoa and Necker Islands.
For additional information about Bryan’s Shearwater, including video and audio recordings of Bryan's Shearwater and audio recordings of other small shearwaters, click here.
Bird Photo
Peer-reviewed Publications Authored by IBP Personnel
Saracco, J.F., L. Helton, J. Liske-Clark, and P. Radley. 2020. Recent dynamics and trends of landbird populations on Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. Pacific Science 74:319-329. For a copy of this publication, please contact Jim Saracco.
Seritan, I., and P. Pyle. 2019. 2019 ABA Bird of the year: on the biology, field identification, and general coolness of the Red-billed Tropicbird, Phaethon aethereus. Birding 51(1):20-27. PDF
Pyle, P. 2017. Adding "Hawaii-only" species to the ABA Checklist. Birders Guide 29(2):28-34. PDF
Pyle, P., K. Kayano, K. Tranquillo, K. Murphy, B. Wilcox, and N. Arcilla. 2017. Manual for ageing and sexing landbirds of American Samoa, with notes on molt and breeding seasonality. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF
Pyle, P., D.L. Webster, and R.W. Baird. 2016. White-rumped dark storm-petrels in Hawaiian Island waters: the quandary of Leach's vs. Band-rumped storm-petrels throughout the world. Birding 48(1):58-73. PDF
Pyle, P., K. Tranquillo, K. Kayano, and N. Arcilla. 2016. Molt patterns, age criteria, and molt-breeding dynamics in American Samoan landbirds. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128:56-69. PDF
Saracco, J.F., P. Radley, P. Pyle, E. Rowan, R. Taylor, and L. Helton. 2016. Linking vital rates of landbirds on a tropical island to rainfall and vegetation greenness. PLoS ONE 11(2):e0148570. (For a copy of this publication, please contact Jim Saracco.)
Aslan, A., P. Hart, J. Wu, and C.E. Aslan. 2014. Evaluating the qualitative effectiveness of a novel pollinator: a case study of two endemic Hawaiian plants. Biotropica 46:732-739. PDF
Pyle, P., R. David, B.D. Eilerts, A.B. Amerson, A.B. Borker, and M. McKown. 2014. Second record of Bryan's Shearwater Puffinius bryani from Midway Atoll, with notes on habitat selection, vocalizations, and at-sea distribution. Marine Ornithology 42:5-8. PDF
Wu, J.X., D.M. Delparte, and P.J. Hart. 2014. Movement patterns of a native and non-native frugivore in Hawaii and implications for seed dispersal. Biotropica 46:175-182. PDF
Junda, J., A.L. Crary, and P. Pyle. 2012. Two modes of primary replacement during prebasic molt of Rufous Fantails (Rhipidura rufifrons). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124:680-685. PDF
Pyle, P. 2011. Nomenclature of the Laysan Honeycreeper, Himatione [sanguinea] fraithii. The Bulletin of the British Ornithological Club 131:116-117. PDF
Pyle, P., A.J. Welch, and R.C. Fleischer. 2011. A new species of shearwater (Puffinus) recorded from Midway Atoll, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The Condor 113:518-527. PDF
Pyle, P., and M.B. Main. 2011. Surveying and monitoring birds. Pages 49-90 in: M.B. Main, editor. Wildlife Monitoring: Florida Master Naturalist Program Special Topics. Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, Immokalee, FL.
Pyle, P., D.L. Webster, and R.W. Baird. 2011. Notes on petrels of the Dark-rumped Petrel complex (Pterodroma phaeopygia/sandwichensis) in Hawaiian waters. North American Birds 65:364-367. PDF
Radley, P., A.L. Crary, J. Bradley, C. Carter, and P. Pyle. 2011. Molt patterns, biometrics, and age and gender classification of landbirds on Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123:588-594. PDF
Pyle, R.L., and P. Pyle. 2009. The Birds of the Hawaiian Islands: occurrence, history, distribution, and status. B.P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. Version 1 (31 December 2009). (For a copy of this publication, please contact Peter Pyle.)
Pyle, P. 2008. Book review: N.E. Evenhuis, Barefoot on lava. Western Birds 39:230-232. PDF
LeValley, R., and P. Pyle. 2007. Notes on plumage maturation in the Red-tailed Tropicbird. Western Birds 38:306-310. PDF
McKee, T., and P. Pyle. 2002. Plumage variation and hybridization in Black-footed and Laysan Albatrosses. North American Birds 56:131-138. PDF
Pyle, P., N. Hoffman, B. Casler, and T. McKee. 2001. Little and Least Terns breeding on Midway Atoll: identification, range extensions, and assortative breeding behavior. North American Birds 55:3-6. PDF
Spear, L.B., D.G. Ainley, and P. Pyle. 1999. Seabirds in southeastern Hawaiian waters Western Birds 30:1-32. PDF
Pyle, P., and J. Nestler. 1998. First record of Cuculus cuckoo on Midway Atoll and the Hawaiian Islands. Western Birds 29:124-127. PDF
Howell, S.N.G., P. Pyle, L.B. Spear, and R.L. Pitman. 1993. North American migrant birds on Clipperton Atoll. Western Birds 24:73-80. PDF
Pyle, P., L. Spear, and J. Engbring. 1990. A previously unreported population of Herald Petrel on Ta’u Island, American Samoa. Colonial Waterbirds 13:136-137. PDF
Bailey, S.F., P. Pyle, and L.B. Spear. 1989. Dark Pterodroma petrels in the North Pacific identification, status and North American occurrence. American Birds 43:400-415. PDF
Pyle, P., and J. Engbring. 1988. First described nest of a Truk Greater White-eye. Elepaio 48:11-14. PDF
Pyle, P., and J. Engbring. 1987. New bird records and migrant observations from Micronesia, 1977-1984. Micronesica 21:281-283. PDF
Pyle, P., and J. Engbring. 1985. Checklist of the Birds of Micronesia. Eleapaio 21:281-282. PDF
Peer-reviewed Publications by Other Researchers
Su, M.R., and R.S. Lin. 2015. Sexing, aging and molt patterns of White-tailed Robin Cinclidium leucurum monti. The Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity 17:287-300. (In Chinese with English abstract) PDF
Hsu, T.C., and H.J. Shiu. 2014. A comparison of bird point count and mist netting used in a lowland shrub in southern Taiwan. The Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity 16:51-61. (In Chinese with English abstract) PDF
Jones, S.E.I. 2014. A first documented record of black-naped tern (Sterna sumatrana) for Tutuila Island, American Samoa. Notornis 61:113-115. PDF
Yang, C.Y., S.P. Yo, and R.S. Lin. 2014. Estimation of survival rate for Alcippe morrisonia, Alcippe brunnea, Stachyris ruficeps, and Pomatorhinus ruficollis by using capture-recapture method. M.S. Thesis, Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. PDF
Lin, R.S., C.Y. Yang, Y.W. Mei, and H.Y. Sung. 2013. Preliminary investigation of the prevalence of avian pox-like lesions in resident passerines in Taiwan. The Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity 15:219-231. (In Chinese with English abstract) PDF
Other Publications and Reports
Helton, L.H., J. Saracco, and J. Liske-Clarke. 2019. Evaluation of the TMAPS Program on Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands: 2008-2018. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA.
Kayano, K., P. Pyle, and D. Kesler. 2019. Development of remote tracking and vocalization playback methodology to study the natural history of the Tongan Ground Dove on Ofu and Olosega Islands, American Samoa. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF
Pyle, P., H. Daly, N. de Gracia, B. Hayden, J. McConachie, N. Ransom, S. Wolfe, D. Kaschube, and L. Helton. 2019. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) Program in American Samoa: 2019 Report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA.
P. Pyle, D. Roche, Z. Emery, E. Fishel, H.M. Todaro, M. Wayne, J. Wong, K. Kayano, D. Kaschube, and L. Helton. 2018. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorshop (TMAPS) Program in American Samoa: 2018 Report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF
Pyle, P., K. Kayano, A. Doyle, S. Fitz-William, A. Grupenhoff, A.J. Pate, F. Tousley, C. Weissburg, D. Kaschube, and L. Helton. 2017. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) Program in American Samoa: 2017 report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA.
Pyle, P., K. Kayano, K. Murphy, A.J. Pate, M. Soderbergh, C. Taft, N. Weyandt, B. Wilcox, D. Kaschube, and L. Helton. 2016. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) Program in American Samoa: 2016 report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA.
Pyle, P., K. Kayano, J. Reese, V. Morgan, R.S. Mulitalo, J. Tigilau, S. Tuvalu, D. Kaschube, R. Taylor, and L. Helton. 2015. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) Program in American Samoa: 2015 report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA.
Saracco, J.F., L. Helton, and P. Pyle. 2015. Seasonal demographics of landbirds on Saipan: report on the 2013-14 TMAPS program. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF
Su, M.R., J.H. Chen, S.S. Chen, H.I. Syu, D.S. Hu, L.L. Wu, Y.Z. Cai, S.H. Wu, P.J. Lin, G.J. Hong, J.L. Lai, and R.S. Lin. 2015. The 2014 annual report of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Taiwan. The Endemic Species Research Institute, Nantou, Taiwan. (In Chinese with English abstract) PDF
Su, M.R., J.H. Chen, S.S. Chen, H.I. Syu, D.S. Hu, L.L. Wu, Y.Z. Cai, S.H. Wu, P.J. Lin, J.L. Lai, and R.S. Lin. 2015. The 2015 annual report of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Taiwan. The Endemic Species Research Institute, Nantou, Taiwan. (In Chinese with English abstract) PDF
Pyle, P., N.S. Arcillo, K. Tranquillo, K. Kayano, A. Doyle, S. Jones, D. Kaschube, R. Taylor, and E. Rowan. 2014. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) Program in American Samoa: 2014 report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA.
Saracco, J.F., P. Pyle, E. Rowan, R. Taylor, and P. Radley. 2014. Closed robust design modeling of 2013 Saipan TMAPS capture-recapture Data. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF
Saracco, J.F., P. Radley, P. Pyle, E. Rowan, and R. Taylor. 2014. Vital rates of landbirds on Saipan and links to remote-sensed habitat data: a summary of five years (2008-2012) of the Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) program on Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF
Song, S.Y., J.H. Chen, S.S. Chen, M.R. Su, H.I. Syu, D.S. Hu, L.L. Wu, Y.Z. Cai, R.C. Jhang, S.H. Wu, and R.S. Lin. 2014. The 2013 annual report of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Taiwan. The Endemic Species Research Institute, Nantou, Taiwan. (In Chinese with English abstract) PDF
Pyle, P., N.S. Dauphine, K. Tranquillo, C. Nell, E. Jeffreys, D. Kaschube, R. Taylor, and E. Rowan. 2013. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) Program in American Samoa: 2013 report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA.
Song, S.Y., J.H. Chen, S.S. Chen, M.R. Su, H.I. Syu, D.S. Hu, L.L. Wu, Y.Z. Cai, R.C. Jhang, Z.C. Syu, and R.S. Lin. 2013. The 2012 annual report of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Taiwan. The Endemic Species Research Institute, Nantou, Taiwan. (In Chinese with English abstract) PDF
Pyle, P. 2012. Updated Manual for Ageing and Sexing Landbirds of American Samoa. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA
Pyle, P., J.F. Saracco, P. Radley, and D.R. Kaschube. 2012. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) Program on Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: 2011-2012 Report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF
Pyle, P., N.S. Dauphine, D. Lipp, R. Badia, R. Taylor, and E. Rowan. 2012. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) Program in American Samoa: 2012 report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA.
Song, S.Y., J.H. Chen, S.S. Chen, M.R. Su, H.I. Syu, D.S. Hu, L.L. Wu, Y.Z. Cai, C.H. Ou-yang, Y.R. Cheng, and R.S. Lin. 2012. The 2011 annual report of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Taiwan. The Endemic Species Research Institute, Nantou, Taiwan. (In Chinese with English abstract) PDF
Pyle, P., J.F. Saracco, P. Radley, and D.R. Kaschube. 2010. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) Program on Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: 2010 Report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF
Pyle, P., J.F. Saracco, P. Radley, D.R. Kaschube, A.L. Crary, and J. Junda. 2009. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship Program on Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; 2009 report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF
Pyle, P., P. Radley, J. Bradley, and C. Carter. 2008. Manual for ageing and sexing Saipanese birds, with notes on breeding seasonality. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Fish and Wildlife Research Program, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF
Saracco, J.F., P. Radley, D.R. Kaschube, J. Bradley, C. Carter, and P. Pyle. 2008. The Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) Program on Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: 2008 report. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. PDF