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Here's what some of IBP’s conservation and research partners have to say about working with us.

Chrissy Howell, Regional Wildlife Ecologist, US Forest Service Region 5:

Little was known about the basic ecology, population status, and habitat requirements of the Black-backed Woodpecker in California before a partnership was launched in 2008 between the Pacific Southwest Regional Office of the Forest Service, IBP, and the ten National Forests in the Sierra Nevada. The partnership has yielded a plethora of information and publications relevant to Forest Service planning and management. Recent studies reveal important details about where the woodpeckers forage, when the birds raise their young, and how much burned forest they need. It has been a pleasure to partner with IBP on these efforts!

Nicole Arcilla, Chief Wildlife Biologist, Dept. of Marine and Wildlife Resources, American Samoa:

During the past two years I have been privileged to work with IBP to successfully establish a Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) program on Tutuila Island. As an avian ecologist specializing in tropical forests, I could not have been more thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the wonderful people at IBP to launch this important project which, to my knowledge, is the first of its kind in the South Pacific. Partnering with IBP has been one of the highlights of my work in the South Pacific, and I am deeply inspired by IBP’s passionate approach to science and conservation.

Luke Hunt, Associate Director of Conservation, American Rivers:

This summer I had the great fortune to work with IBP on the restoration of three large meadows in the Sierra Nevada, including a secret gem, where IBP has been monitoring songbirds and Great Gray Owls for over a decade. Together we developed monitoring methods and restoration plans that insure effective, efficient restoration and link to IBP’s long-standing data streams.

Diana Craig, Regional Wildlife Ecologist, US Forest Service Region 5:

Over 21 years, I have been fortunate to work with IBP on various projects, beginning with MAPS stations on the Tahoe National Forest. In 2008, we began an extremely valuable partnership to develop a Sierra Nevada Forests monitoring strategy for the Black-backed Woodpecker. With very short timeframes, IBP developed and tested a pilot project, which has grown into comprehensive annual monitoring of BBWO and other birds in forest fire areas. In addition, we began two additional partnership efforts –an administrative study to assess home range size and foraging ecology and a workshop to identify known information and information gaps in California. The workshop generated yet another partnership project – the development of a California PIF BBWO conservation strategy. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to continue partnering with IBP, and excited about working together to increase the scientific understanding of BBWOs in California.

Sarah Stock, Park Ornithologist, Yosemite National Park:

As Yosemite National Park’s first park ornithologist, I am tasked with implementing a diverse and effective avian program that addresses the park’s highest priority issues. When I started my position in 2006, I was lucky to inherit a fairly rich knowledge-base, largely due to the efforts of IBP. Partnering with IBP enables Yosemite to track changes in avian community composition, to assess individual species’ demographic rates, and most importantly, to monitor changes in Yosemite’s bird populations over time. This collaborative relationship with IBP helps Yosemite make sound scientific decisions toward protecting and conserving Yosemite’s bird populations into the future.

Paul Radley, Division of Fish and Wildlife, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands:

Partnering with IBP to initiate MAPS on Saipan has been instrumental in acquiring baseline data on the island’s avifauna. Because of cooperation with IBP, I feel that DFW is now more able to make sound, science-based decisions in regards to avian conservation in the Northern Marianas.

Robert Kuntz, Wildlife Biologist, North Cascades National Park:

IBP's knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm for "feathered life" is both vast and contagious. During the nearly 30 years I have worked as a wildlife biologist, I count my association with IBP and the work we have done as being among my most rewarding associations and accomplishments.

Wilson's Warbler
Photo Credits: Top of Page, Andy Morffew; Bottom of Page, Mick Thompson
IBP is a recognized leader in bird research and monitoring. Awards and honors bestowed on IBP staff for outstanding efforts in conservation and science include:

2020 Individual Investigations Award
Presented to Peter Pyle by Partners in Flight

IBP biologist Peter Pyle received this award for his work on avian molt and its application in bird systematics, demography and conservation.
Pyle PIF award photo
Peter Pyle and his Individual Investigations Award.

Wings Across the Americas Research Partnership Award
Presented to Rodney Siegel, Bob Wilkerson, Morgan Tingley, Joanna Wu, Ron Taylor and Jim Saracco by the U.S. Forest Service

In 2014 IBP was given this award for our work on Black-backed Woodpecker ecology and habitat management in California. This award recognizes an exceptional research partnership with the Forest Service.
Rodney Siegel Award photo
Forest Service Associate Chief Mary Wagner, (right) presents the 2014 Wings Across the Americas award for research partnerships to IBP Executive Director Rodney Siegel and Forest Service Regional Ecologist Chrissy Howell.

Chandler Robbins Conservation and Education Award
Presented to David DeSante by the American Birding Association

In 2010 the American Birding Association presented David DeSante with this award to recognize his outstanding contributions to bird conservation.
Dave DeSante Award photo
IBP President Dave DeSante receives the Chandler Robbins Conservation and Education Award from the American Birding Association.

Conservationist of the Year
Presented to David DeSante by The Western Section of The Wildlife Society

This award is given to a person or group who has made an outstanding contribution to wildlife conservation in California, Nevada, Hawaii or Guam.

Investigations Award
Presented to David DeSante and IBP by Partners in Flight

In 2003 the award was presented to IBP founder David DeSante and the entire IBP staff for contributions including the creation and coordination of the MAPS Program; promoting scientifically sound and ethical banding practices; facilitating the establishment of the North American Banding Council; and creating and coordinating the MoSI Program.