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Donate Now photo Photo
When you support IBP, you support the science that makes conservation work. Your donations help us: expand our ability to monitor the health of bird populations on both their breeding and wintering grounds; address key conservation questions that influence land management and restoration decisions; and train the next generation of conservation scientists.You can make a one time donation, set up a monthly donation, donate when you use AmazonSmile, or remember IBP in your will. All donations are tax-deductible.
Join an IBP Field Crew photo Photo
IBP has a variety of paid and volunteer technician positions available during all times of year, though the vast majority of our work takes place in spring through fall. You will take world class training in many aspects of conservation, bird survey, identification, or banding techniques, and have fun with dedicated, conservation-minded colleagues. Our work occurs in places as diverse as the High Sierra and remote South Pacific Islands. Be sure to check for listings, which are updated frequently.
Learn to Band Birds photo Photo
Are you interested in becoming a bird bander? Or are you already a bird bander who would like to further hone your skills? IBP offers beginner, advanced, and customized training classes. A typical day at a beginner IBP banding class is spent catching birds in mist nets and banding them in the morning, and in classroom lectures and discussions in the afternoon or evening. The pace of the courses is fast, but there is also some free time. Skills taught include operation of mist nets and safe bird-handling skills; in-hand ageing and sexing techniques; scoring and recording data using MAPS protocol and forms; and many other techniques.
Collaborate photo Photo
IBP is always looking for collaborators. We work locally, regionally, and globally with federal, state, and local governments, NGOs, universities, and individuals. We welcome ideas for new research, partnerships, or any type of collaboration that helps birds or their habitats. For more information about collaborative research opportunities, please contact Steve Albert.
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Follow us on Social Media
Get updates about recent research, news from the conservation world, and fun stuff like bird ID quizzes. You can find us on Instagram, Bluesky, Facebook, and TikTok at @instbirdpop.
Contact Calls photo Photo
You'll receive Contact Calls, our quarterly newsletter, and Bird Pop! our quasi-weekly blog that includes engaging articles on our research, info on various aspects of bird identification and many other articles.
photo of a Blue Jay Photo
Have a question? Want to say hello? You can get in touch with us here.
photo of a Hermit Warbler Photo
IBP's Communications Specialist, Meredith Walker, is happy to help with all media inquiries.
Photo Credits: Thumbnails, Top to Bottom: Kathy and Sam, Mandy Holmgren, IBP, Raymond Zoller, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, Don Faulkner, Ian Lee, Amy Hogan.