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MAPS Photo
The Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program is a collaborative, continent-wide network of hundreds of constant-effort mist netting stations. Analyses of the resulting banding and demographic data provide critical information on the ecology, conservation, and management of North American landbirds and the factors responsible for changes in their populations.
MoSI Photo
Many North American landbirds over-winter in the northern Neotropics where relatively little is known about their ecology. IBP and our international partners operate the Monitoreo de Sobrevivencia Invernal (MoSI) Program to provide information on the winter habitat needs of migrant and resident birds in the Neotropics. MoSI stations have operated in 15 countries from Mexico to Colombia.
Regional Programs Photo
IBP works studying and conserving birds and other wildlife all over the western U.S. and beyond. Because distinct regions often share some of the same environmental conditions, challenges, and collaborating partners, we have divided our efforts into distinct programs and regions.
Pollinators Photo
Wildlife that pollinate flowers provide critical ecosystem services that are disproportionately important compared to the diminutive size of the pollinators. Alarmingly, populations of many pollinators in the Sierra Nevada and around the world are declining, including various native bumble bee species. IBP has initiated multiple studies of bumble bee ecology, Rufous Hummingbird, and other pollinators of the region.
Molt and Plumage Studies Photo
Accurately determining the age and sex of captured birds is crucial in assessing population trends and demographic rates such as productivity and survival. IBP is a world leader in avian plumage and molt studies and has pioneered many novel applications of this work to conservation and management questions.
Bird Banding Photo
IBP offers beginning and advanced bird bander training and the opportunity for participants to learn or improve their skills in the set-up and operation of mist nets; bird-handling; in-hand aging and sexing techniques; and data scoring and recording using MAPS protocol and forms. IBP trainers are available to teach custom classes organized by host institutions.
Burrowing Owl Photo
Though no longer active, IBP's Burrowing Owl program spearheaded California-wide population surveys during the early 1990s and then again during 2006-2007.
Photo Credits, Top to Bottom: Jerry McFarland, Steve Albert, Doug Greenberg, eskimo_jo, Steven Albert, Hans Splinter