Dayna Mauer and her husband Mark.
For more than 30 years, IBP has conducted critical research on bird populations and other wildlife to enable effective, evidence-based conservation. We collaborate with local, national and international partners to assess the effects of climate change, land management actions, and other ecological stressors on bird populations, and prescribe practical solutions to conservation challenges. When you make a planned gift to IBP, you help ensure that we can continue to do the science that makes conservation work. Planned gifts cost nothing during your lifetime and can be changed at any time.
I decided to include IBP in our estate plans because I really believe in its mission, and I fell in love with California’s Sierra Nevada. IBP does extensive work in that region; it has great partnerships with government agencies that allow for the long term conservation and study of the birds that make it so unique. Additionally, IBP is staffed by fantastic scientists who are also great people.- Dayna Mauer
As a registered non-profit organization, IBP is eligible to receive charitable bequests, including money, land, or other property. A willed gift or revocable trust is easy to set up, may offer substantial tax benefits, and can be modified any time your needs change. We've listed several ways you can make a legacy gift below. If you have questions or need more information, please contact our Chief Financial Officer
Deborah Mills or consult with your financial advisor.
A Residual Bequest can be made to IBP after your estate expenses and specific bequests are paid:
Sample Language: I bequeath to The Institute for Bird Populations (Tax ID # 68-0175012), a non-profit research and conservation organization, located at P.O. Box 518, Petaluma, CA, 94953, all or ______% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its unrestricted purposes.
A Specific Bequest can be made to The Institute for Bird Populations for its ongoing conservation and environmental purposes:
Sample Language: I bequeath to The Institute for Bird Populations (Tax ID # 68-0175012), a non-profit research and conservation organization, located at P.O. Box 518, Petaluma, CA, 94953, the sum of $ ______ to be used for its unrestricted purposes.
A Contingent Bequest can be made to The Institute for Bird Populations, contingent on the change of status of a previously identified beneficiary:
Sample Language: If ___________(Name of normal beneficiary) is not living at the time of my demise, I bequeath to The Institute for Bird Populations ((Tax ID # 68-0175012), a non-profit research and conservation organization, located at P.O. Box 518, Petaluma, CA, 94953, the sum of $ _______ (or all or a percentage of the residue of my estate) to be used for its unrestricted purposes.
Retirement Plan Beneficiary
You may name The Institute for Bird Populations as a beneficiary of your IRA or other qualified retirement plans, such as a 401(k), 403(b), IRA, Keogh or profit sharing pension plan. Donors should consult with their tax advisor regarding the tax benefits of such gifts. Naming The Institute for Bird Populations as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan asset will accomplish a charitable goal while realizing significant tax savings. (It can be costly to convey such assets to individual heirs because of substantial income and estate taxes due on the distribution.) By naming IBP, the donor maintains complete control over the asset while living, and at the donor's death, a portion or all of the remaining principal in the plan passes to support IBP without estate or income taxes.
Making a charitable gift from your retirement plan is easy and should not cost you any attorney fees. Simply request a change of beneficiary form from your plan administrator, complete the form, return it to your plan administrator and send a copy to The Institute for Bird Populations. We can also assist you with the proper language for your beneficiary designation to The Institute for Bird Populations.
Gift of Real Estate
Sample Language: I instruct my executor to sell the property owned by me and located at ______________________. The net proceeds from this sale should be donated to The Institute for Bird Populations, a non-profit research and conservation organization, located at located at P.O. Box 518, Petaluma, CA, 94953, Tax ID # 68-0175012. These donated proceeds shall be used for The Institute for Bird Populations' unrestricted purposes.
If you wish to sell the property during your lifetime, placing it in a Charitable Remainder Unitrust would be a way for you to receive income with the remainder going to The Institute for Bird Populations later.
If you have any questions, please consult your financial advisor.