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MAPS Chat is an annual newsletter highlighting results and applications of MAPS monitoring. Current and archived editions are available for download.
Spring 2024
MAPS Data Reveal That Birds Aren't Keeping Up With Earlier Springs
New "Maps in a Nutshell" Video
Announcing Our 1st Annual MAPS Photo Contest
A Treasure Trove of Information in the Tip of a Feather
Help with the Molt Limits and Plumage Fields on MAPS Data Sheets
MAPS Operator Profile: Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
Remembering MAPS Banders We've Lost
Using the MAPS Database as an Educational Tool
An Evolutionary Perspective on Molt
MAPS on a Western Pacific Island
25 Year Operators
New MAPS operators join the flock!
IBP Bird Banding Classes
Spring 2023
New Tools to Make MAPS Data More Accessible
MAPS Data Reveal that Climate Change is Altering the Size and Shape of Birds
MAPS Operators Help Reveal Where Genetically Distinct Bird Populations Live Year Round
MAPS Operator Profile: Klamath Bird Observatory
Tricky WRP Codes: SPB, DCB or M-SPB
New Edition of ID Guide
Options for Old Mist Nets
Hints For Using the New ID Guide
25 Year Operators
New MAPS operators join the flock!
IBP Bird Banding Classes
Spring 2022
Hey Science! What have you done with our MAPS data lately?
Integrating Calendar-year & WRP Codes Plus a Peak at the New ID Guide
MAPS Cooperator Profile: High School Students, Land Trusts & the MAPS Program Enhance Conservation in NW Connecticut
Simplifying the Habitat Structure Assessment
25 Year Operators
New MAPS operators join the flock!
IBP Bird Banding Classes
Spring 2021
Thank you MAPS banders for your contributions to science and conservation
Using the Macaulay Library to study molt: a case study on hummingbirds
MAPS Cooperator Profile: Banding at Bandelier National Monument
Caterpillars Count! Help assess the timing of bird food availability at your MAPS station
IBP bird banding classes
Bird genoscape and feather sampling update
New MAPS operators join the flock!
Molts and plumage: Always something new to learn
25-Year Operators
Spring 2020
Assigning age codes to MAPS captures: WRP revisited
Moving to molt: What MAPS has taught us about molt migration
Using social media to become a better bander
New MAPS operators join the flock!
Crunching big numbers to answer bird conservation questions
MAPS Cooperator Profile: Robert Thobaben: Why do I band birds?
IBP bird banding classes
Spring 2019
Embracing the Wolfe-Ryder-Pyle(WRP) Ageing System - the basics of the system and how to apply it
Bird Banding Classes
MAPS Cooperator Profile: Rick Schmid and the MAPS Stations of Eastern Nebraska
MAPS Program Research — Sampling Feathers for the Bird Genoscape Project
Welcome New MAPS Operators!
How is Climate Change Affecting Yosemite’s Birds?
The Life and Times of Joe Bird – A Poem
Spring 2018
Banding Station Safety - suggestions to keep both the bird and station personnel safe at the banding station
Bird Banding Classes
Collaboration Opportunity: Caterpillars Count! and Feather Sampling
Yellow Warbler Genetics Study in Science
Welcome New MAPS Operators!
MAPS Bander Profile: First-Year station Strawberry Plains Audubon Center
Summary of 2017 MAPS participant questionaire
MAPS Contributors for 25 or More Years!
Spring 2017
Confounding Juveniles! - helpful hints for identifying birds in juvenile plumage
Welcome New MAPS Operators!
MAPS as a Citizen Science Program
MAPS Bander Profile: Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary
Bird Banding Classes
Review of two MAPS Program Collaborations
MAPS Contributors for 25 or More Years!
Spring 2016
MAPS Data in Action - a review of publications from the last year that utilized MAPS data
Welcome New MAPS Operators!
Bird Banding Classes
Collaboration Opportunity: Timing of Bird Food
MAPS Bander Profile: The Man Who Began MAPS - David F. DeSante
MAPS Contributors for 25 or More Years!
Spring 2015
Molt and Feather Wear: a tract by tract look
IBP's New Website!
Why Band Birds: a reminder of why we do what we do
Welcome New MAPS Operators
MAPS Bander Profile: Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program
Bird Banding Classes
Spring 2014
Molt and Age Codes at TMAPS Stations: A Case Study Based on American Samoan Landbirds
Welcome New MAPS Operators
MAPS Bander Profile: Rocky Point Bird Observatory
Resources for MAPS banders: American Goldfinch and applying WRP codes
Spring 2013
Welcome new MAPS operators
El Niño drives Swainson's Thrush survival rate
MAPS Bandathon
MAPS Bander Profile: Bev Smith
Resources for MAPS banders: coding tracts in active molt
Spring 2012
Feather growth rates related to molting strategy
MAPS Bander Profile: Rich and Brenda Keith
Welcome new MAPS operators
Resources for MAPS banders: using molt code 'A'
Spring 2011
Full Life-cycle monitoring, vital rates, and effective bird conservation
Using Data Basin to publish spatially explicit MAPS results
Welcome new MAPS operators
Resources for MAPS banders: suggestions for improving data submissions
Spring 2010
MAPS and the conservation of common species
Using MAPS data to inform public land management in the Pacific Northwest
MAPS operators provide samples for avian infectious disease studies: Updates from UCLA
Welcome new MAPS operators
Resources for MAPS banders: obtaining open-wing images of birds for analysis of molt and plumage state
MAPS data yield cutting-edge science for managing bird populations
IBP staff teach bird banding classes
Spring 2009
Thank you MAPS operators! - Fifteen years of MAPS data and over one million records are now verified and being analyzed to inform climate change adaptation strategies
New research on causes of population declines
IBP offers bird banding classes
MAPS in the tropical Pacific
Join our flu sampling efforts
Welcome new MAPS operators
Goodbye to staff biologist Amy Finfera
Molt-migration studies in Arizona and Mexico
Upcoming MAPS report in bird populations
Spring 2007
Taking stock of the MAPS Program: a look back and a vision for the future
Collection of samples to detect avian influenza at MAPS, MoSI, and MAWS stations
Beyond monitoring: responses to land management, climate, and weather
Molt migration stopover ecology project
Spring 2004
Breaking news in the world of molt
IBP receives national award from Partners in Flight
New terminology will help you understand molt
Changes in the use of the “Adults Only” (now called “Molt Limits and Plumage”) fields
Managing birds of conservation concern on military lands using MAPS data
News from Joe Bird’s wintering grounds
Planting ornithological seeds for the future
Spring 2002
Global climate effects on avian reproduction
The good news about HSA
ENSO and NAO: What are they?
A word from Joe Bird
The blessings of MAPSPROG
How I fell into a black hole and survived
Photo Credits: Top of Page, SuperFantastic