Help Us Monitor Bird Populations
IBP monitors birds for conservation and research using a wide variety of survey techniques, including mist netting, point counts, nest monitoring, and telemetry. Each year we offer crew leader and volunteer technician positions on interesting projects around the US. For the spring/summer of 2025, we have the openings listed below.
**Note: All positions are open until filled. Many positions fill quickly, so apply as soon as possible.**
Crew Leader Positions (supervisory role; hourly pay + free housing)
Nocturnal Raptor Surveys
FILLED - Crew Leader - Spotted Owl Surveys on the Eldorado National Forest, CA (Job Code: SPOW-Tahoe NF-Crew Lead)
FILLED - Crew Leader - Great Gray Owl Surveys on the Stanislaus National Forest, CA (Job Code: GGOW-Stanislaus NF-Crew Lead)
Diurnal Raptor Surveys
FILLED - Crew Leader - American Goshawk Surveys, various locations, Sierra Nevada National Forests, CA and NV (Various job codes, view in PDF)
Field Technician Positions (non-supervisory role; hourly pay + free housing)
Nocturnal Raptor Surveys
Field Technician - Spotted Owl Surveys, various locations, Sierra Nevada National Forests, CA and NV (Various job codes, view in PDF)
FILLED - Field Technicians - Great Gray Owl Surveys on the Stanislaus National Forest, CA (Job Code: GGOW-Stanislaus NF-Field Tech)
Diurnal Raptor Surveys
Field Technicians - American Goshawk Surveys, various locations, Sierra Nevada National Forests, CA and NV (Various job codes, view in PDF)
Point Count Surveys
FILLED - Field Technicians - Multi-species Point Counts at Fort Liberty, North Carolina (Job Code: Point Count-FtLiberty-Biologist)
FILLED - Field Technicians - Avian Point Counts in Four Corners Area National Parks, AZ, NM, and CO (Job Code: Point Count-SCP-Field Tech)
FILLED - Field Technicians – Avian Point Counts in Meadow Restoration Areas, Sierra Nevada National Forests, CA (Job Code: Point Count-Sierra Meadows-Field Tech)
Purple Martin Surveys
FILLED - Field Technicians – Statewide Purple Martin Colony Surveys, California-wide (Job Code: PUMA-CA-Field Tech)
Bird Banding
FILLED - Biologist - Bird-banding with the MAPS Program, Yosemite National Park, California
FILLED - Field Technician - Bird-banding Technician on Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Entry-level Field Technician Positions (classified as volunteer; per diem and housing provided)
Bird Banding
FILLED - Assistant Bird Banders (3) - Bird-banding with the MAPS Program, Yosemite National Park, California
Photo Credits: Top of Page, Jade Ajani; Right column photos: IBP, Alma Schrage