Changing climate and forest structure are leading to high intensity fires that threaten even fire-adapted Giant Sequoias. IBP Executive Director Rodney Siegel and IBP Biologist Bob Wilkerson recently published an article in The Wildlife Professional, a magazine produced by The Wildlife Society about how Giant Sequoia groves in Sequoia and Kings Canyons National Parks, the "birdiest" forests in these parks, are suffering uncharacteristically heavy losses due to fire. These massive trees constitute valuable songbird habitat and historically provided nesting sites for California Condors in some areas of their range. You can read the article by clicking on this link: A Giant Loss: Losing Sequoias Could Be A Blow To Sierra Nevada Birds.
This article was originally published in The Wildlife Professional, an exclusive benefit for members of The Wildlife Society. Learn more about membership benefits and become a member at Article reprinted with permission from the publisher and original author(s). ©2022 The Wildlife Society, 425 Barlow Place, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.

A Giant Sequoia burned in California's Rough Fire in 2015. Photo by Laura Camp/Flickr.