This 2022 issue's lead article reviews how scientists have used MAPS data over the past year to better understand and conserve birds- important research that would not be possible without our fabulous MAPS cooperators and the data they collect! The issue also includes an article from Peter Pyle about integrating calendar-year and WRP ageing codes with plenty of examples, plus a sneak peak at some changes to the upcoming new edition of the ID guide. Additionally, if you are a MAPS bander preparing to use WRP ageing codes, we have put together a new instructional video for you "Translating MAPS Ageing Codes to WRP" in which IBP biologist, scientific illustrator, and bird banding trainer Lauren Helton walks through several examples of ageing birds using the WRP system.
Make sure to take a look at our MAPS Cooperator Profile, "High School Students, Land Trusts and the MAPS Program Enhance Conservation in Northwest Connecticut" by Laurie Doss of the Marvelwood School. We also include information about simplifying the MAPS Habitat Structure Assessment and an update to MAPSPROG; a listing of our banding classes; and, a celebration of the stations that have reached their 25th year of operation and a welcome to those new to the MAPS flock!